Zojoji Temple
Free: All time Standing next to Tokyo Tower, Zojoji Temple is the head temple of the Jodo sect of Japanese Buddhism in the region. It was built in 1393 and moved to its present location in 1598. Zojoji Temple was formerly the family temple of the Tokugawas family and is now designated as a national...

Hanozono-Jinja Shrine
Free: All time Constructed in the early Edo Period, Hanazono-Jinja Shrine is one of the oldest shrines in Tokyo. It is located in the heart of Tokyo, tucked in between the tall buildings in Shinjuku. This was not the case when it was built. Hanazono literally means Flower Garden. The land surrounding Hanazono Shrine was...

Freebies at Blood Donation Centers
Free: All time Hmm, well, this isn’t exactly “free.” Basically, the idea is that you become a blood donor and in return, you’ll get to have a go at the generous supply of free food and drinks at the donation center. It is actually a well-known fact that blood donation centers provide donuts, rice crackers,...

Suntory Musashino Brewery Tour
Free: All time Suntory Musashino Brewery offers free one-hour touring during which participants learn about Suntory’s Premium Malts’ production process. Free beer and snacks are at the end of the tour. The tours run every 30 minutes during its operating hours. Check the official website to make sure the factory is open before heading out...

Free Drinks at Free Cafe Harimaya Station
Free: All time Free Cafe in Ginza is run by Harimaya, a traditional rice cracker maker. When it first opened, Free Cafe offers free rice cracker treats from its “Okaki Bar”, as well as coffee, green tea, and juice at the drink bar. All at no cost whatsoever! What’s the catch? There’s none. Apparently, this...

Japan Guide | Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)
Free: All time If you’re visiting Japan but somehow is too broke to shell out extra money for the Lonely Planet guidebook, you may be glad to know that the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) provides an in depth 48-page guidebook on Japan. Although it doesn’t provide accommodation and restaurant recommendations, the Japan Guide gives...

Tourist’s Language Handbook | Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)
Free: All time Although Japan ranked 14 in their English proficiency compared to the countries in the world, it’s normally rather difficult to communicate with with locals when in Japan if you don’t speak Japanese. Japan National Organization (JNTO) offered downloadable PDF’s of Tourist’s Language Handbooks. It’s available in various languages: English, French, Chinese, Korean,...

Tokyo Walks | Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)
Free: All time There are many ways to see Tokyo but one of the most recommendable ways, however, is to venture forth into the streets on your own so that you may feel first-hand the pulse of one of the world’s most bustling cities. Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) has put together a 10-page downloadable...

Free Wi-Fi Locator App and User ID | NAVITIME for Japan Travel
Free: All time Those who have been in Tokyo before know that it’s awfully difficult to locate free Wi-Fi in town. It doesn’t quite make sense, considering that Tokyo is one of the most technology-advanced cities in the world. However, in any case, the Japanese seem to have realized that this problem has indeed posed...

Bank of Japan Currency Museum
Free: All time The Currency Museum was first opened in November 1985 to commemorate the Bank of Japan’s 100th anniversary. Its collection comprises currencies of ancient to modern Japan, along with those of other East Asian countries including China. Besides currencies, the museum also displays materials related to money in general such as wallets and...

Ueno Walking Tour | Tokyo SGG Club
Free: Saturdays & Sundays 11am & 1:15pm The Tokyo Systemized Goodwill Guide (SGG) Club offers free guided walking tour of Ueno neighbourhood. The area is a place of striking contrast. Below the railway is an exciting shopper’s paradise of market stalls and restaurants, while above on a pleasantly wooded hill, Ueno Park takes pride in...

Asakusa Walking Tour | Tokyo SGG Club
Free: Saturdays & Sundays 11am & 1:15pm The Tokyo Systemized Goodwill Guide (SGG) Club offers free guided walking tour of Asakusa Sensoji Temple and its surrounding every Saturday and Sunday. The hour long tour takes place twice a day at 11am and 1:15pm. The tour will let you learn more about Asakusa – one of...