“So you’re a broke-ass hence cannot be a tourist?
Nonsense my friend, nonsense!”
There are surprisingly many attractions, indoor and outdoor, that are free if you only know where and when to look. And BROKE TOURIST will tell you just that. True, you’ll still have to pay for commute to go to these places (plane flight to the country, bus ride to the town, metro ride to the attraction, etc.), but hey, start with your own city and walk it. You’re a broke tourist after all.
About us!
After returning from a grand escapade, Elys returned to NY totally broke. She longs to be back out on the road again for a World Trip Round 2 and desperately needs to figure out a cheaper way. Being jobless at the time, Elys started to “collect” free things to do all around the world in preparation. Long story short, Broke Tourist came to life! When not playing tourist, Elys is an art director, motion graphic designer, and professional prankster.
Luisa can be found often with her head in the clouds and not just figuratively! She’s a hopeless mountain and nature lover with a serious addiction in hiking, exploring and contemplating mountains. When in the city, she likes to lose herself in narrow streets, discovering hidden treasures and find new things to do. She also thinks that most amazing things are priceless and that’s why she chose to be a part of Broke Tourist! On the weekdays, Luisa is a web developer with a crush for art, design and all things creative.
lorena says:
May 30, 2016
We have interesting in visit the ospedale on 6 June, for have a shooting with a italian bloger, please, can you send me your email? for to send all the information? o a phone numer
best regards
Violet says:
Apr 11, 2017
This website is a great idea. I’d love to keep up to date and possibly contribute.