There are plenty of clubs that provide free guidance for tourists in Kyoto. “Good Samaritan Club” are made up of university students;”Sakura Volunteer Guide Club” not only shows you around Kyoto but also the neighbouring town Nara and Shiga. There are many other clubs so choose away!
1 comment
Verra David says:
Jun 23, 2016
I would like to have a local tour guide who can speak English to take us to :
1. Fushimi Inari
2. Arashiyama Bamboo Forest/Sagano Bamboo Forest
3. Gion
We will stay at Osaka and need the local tour guide from Osaka.
We prefer to use public transportation during the tour.
How much is the tour price and what are includes on that price?
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you,
Verra David