House Sitting Guide
Free: All time There are a handful of house sitting platforms out there (TrustedHousesitter.com, MindMyHouse.com, HouseCarers.com, HouseSitMatch.com, Caretaker-Jobs.com, LuxuryHouseSitting.com) and it’s hard to decide on which one to use. There are also quite a few ebooks out there about house sitting in general; on how to get started and comparisons of the available platforms. These...

Free: All time Figuring out travel options when traveling is a pain in the neck. Rome2rio aims to solve that problem. Based in Melbourne, Australia, the company built a world’s transport database. The repository covers air, rail, coach, ferry and mass transit routes. Even better, the site provides a rough estimate of the pricings for...

Free: All time Founded in December 2012 and based in paris, WorldCraze is a crowd-shopping community platform that puts regular travelers and those who are passionate about trends and wish to buy exclusive or cheaper products in relation with each other all over the world. Whether it’s the newest iPhone being delivered by users from...

Low-cost / Budget Airlines
Free: All time Probably everybody knows at this point that flying with budget airlines is most of the times way cheaper than flying with major airlines. However, not that many people are savvy about all the low-cost airlines that exist and the countries they operate in. Cheap flight ticket aggregator sites also often times do...

Budget Your Trip
Free: All time One of the ways to not break your wallet when travelling is to choose your destinations wisely. A week’s budget in Scandinavia can last you a lot longer in Southeast Asia. How much longer? The site Budget Your Trip will let you know just that. Once you sign up for a free...

International Student Identity Card (ISIC)
Free: Student discounts in worldwide (USD 4-22 card application fee) One of the most popular travel discount card is perhaps the International Student Identity Card (ISIC). Students are normally entitled to cheaper prices in a lot of attractions and the most globally accepted proof of your student status is the ISIC card. First established in...

Tax-free/ VAT Refund
Free: All time Many countries, mostly those of the EU area, offer tax-free (VAT-free) shopping for foreign tourists. VAT (Value-Added Tax) is the tax that residents have to pay for goods and services. As of now, roughly 320,000 stores in 40 countries worldwide participate in the tax-free campaign (check the Wikipedia link below for the...

U.S. Airlines Price-Difference Credit | Yapta
Free: All time Ever booked a flight ticket then found out later on that the price had dropped? Well, this may be helpful for you to know that all U.S. airlines allow you to get a credit for the price difference. And to save you the hassle of having to keep tracking the price changes,...

Free: All time Okay, so Skype is nothing new. It’s a free internet phone service for your computer or smartphone. Most of you probably already use it to “skype” other users. However, the best usage of it that we discovered when travelling abroad was to use it to call toll-free numbers in your home country....

Replace Lost Chargers
Free: All time So you left your cellphone charger in a hostel in Paris and you’re already miles away in Amsterdam? Well, don’t curse yourself over it because you’re not the only one who tends to do this. In fact, here’s a statistic: Chargers are the #1 most left behind items at hotels. Many places...

DIY Passport Photo
Free: All time In some countries, passport photo services charge outrageous pricing. It doesn’t help either that consulates tend to ask for a ridiculous amount of photos just for visa application. Anyhow, for you Broke Tourists out there, it costs close to nothing to DIY. The website ‘Passport Photo 4 You’ lets you upload your...

Free: All time Depending on what nationality you have, visa fees can cost quite a bit. Perhaps a way to save that money upfront, even before landing in your destination, is to try to visit the countries that are visa-free for you. VisaMapper is a site that provides a quick glimpse of each country visa...